Thanks so much for coming back to read my blog! Sorry I have been slacking on the blogging lately... school started back and I have been bogged down with fun patient presentations, learning about oncology, and all the joys that come with being in pharmacy school. Anyways, I thought I would stop on by and write a quick post on a few things that have been rocking my week! I hope you all enjoy!
1. MTV's Video Music Awards
Or should we just call this, what in the world did Miley Cyrus do awards? I feel like that is ALL anyone has been talking about for the past week! While, I have been a Miley fan for quite a while and really like her song, "We Can't Stop," I was a turned off by her performance. I understand that she is trying to shed the Disney image and tell the public she is now, "grown up," but I think that was the wrong way to do it! I am sure everyone has seen this disturbing performance, but if not, please check out the link below! Besides the vulgar performance, I will say that she did get people talking, and this might help her with her album sells because people will want to check out what all this Miley business is about. So, I guess from that point, I can see what she was trying to do... but still, I think there are much better ways to do this!
Link to Miley's Performance:
For the fashion of the VMAS, my favorite dressed person of the night was Selena Gomez. Absolutely LOVED her look. The dress was amazing... a little seductive, but also pretty simple and fun. I liked Taylor Swift's dress on her, but was NOT a fan of the hair. If she had done her hair a little differently, then I would have really loved her look. I also really like Shailene Woodley's skirt. I thought it was really fun and something that I would wear myself.
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Loved this look! Miley, take a note from a fellow Disney star.. she is doing it right! |
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I think this dress is killer on her, but the hair..NO! |
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LOVED this skirt! And can we talk about her abs.. like how do I get those? Oh that's right, eat kale everything. |
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Crystal Reed and Holland Roden from Teen Wolf (another new obsession..get to that in a second!) I thought they both look classy and sophisticated. |
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And seriously, how cute is One Direction? I know I am a little too old for them.. but I mean British boys in skinny jeans? Does it get any better... NOPE! |
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One last thing.. JT's AMAZING performance! I could have listened to him sing the entire show! |
2. Teen Wolf
So, I decided to give this show a shot a couple of weeks back and I am HOOKED. I remember when it first came on, I decided to check out the first episode, but thought it was a little cheesy and was not interested. Well, I was way wrong! I keep seeing Twitter statuses and such about it, so decided to give it a try. Season 1 and 2 are now on Netflix, and yes I am almost done with the second season. Can we talk about how good looking this cast is?! One of the major reasons I tune in is all of the amazing guys on the show. I have a major crush on Dylan O'Brien and Tyler Posey, now. More on Dylan O' Brien.. he is that nerdy cute guy... and HYSTERICAL. If you have Netflix's, definitely check this show out! It is a little creepy, so warning, if you do not like that kind of stuff.
Seriously, how cute is Dylan O'Brien?! And he is super hysterical on the show... obviously another VERY attractive feature!
3. Indie Movies
I am a HUGE Indie movie lover. I am DYING to go to the Sundance Film Festival, because I would be in absolute heaven. Many people hate these type of movies, but I LOVE them! Two that are currently rocking my week are The First Time (starring Dylan O'Brien.. my current crush) and The Spectacular Now (starring Shailene Woodley and Miles Teller, whom I absolutely love). The First Time is currently on Netflix, and I HIGHLY suggest renting this. I absolutely loved it, and now want to by it. My friend and fellow indie lover, Jenna and I, scored free tickets to go see The Spectacular Now, and it was also amazing. Both are teenage/high school love stories and you will fall in love with both characters. If you ever want any Indie movie recommendations, just let me know, because I have many for you to check out!
Cool fact about The Spectacular Now.. it was shot in Athens, GA!
4. The Pretty Little Liars Finale
I won't divulge any details of the finale, because I do not want to spoil it for any of my readers that are currently watching the show and are not caught up.. BUT, OH MY GOSH. Just when I think this show can't get any crazier, the writers throw another curve ball at you and open up another huge can of worms! This show frustrates me because I feel like we never get any answers, but obviously I will never stop watching! I love the plot, the characters/actors, the fashion, hair, and make-up.. and THE BOYS. Caleb, will you marry me? The character Caleb is leaving PLL (sad day!), but he is going to be the star of a new spin-off show titled Ravenswood, that will premiere after the Halloween episode of PLL, so obviously I WILL BE WATCHING.
Check out this trailer for Ravenswood, with my obsession, Tyler Blackburn (so cute!). Looks like it is going to be good!
5. Skinny Vanilla Latte Cartons from Starbucks
Yes, I discovered this amazingness from the grocery store the other day, and was SUPER excited. At first, I was hesitant because I was thinking that this would be super caloric, but they make it with skim milk (hence the skinny), and it really isn't terrible for you! If you are like me, I push the snooze button too many times in the morning and never have enough time to brew up some coffee, so this product is perfect to just pour in a to go cup and hit the road! It also comes in two other flavors, that I definitely need to try.
6. Apple Cider Vinegar (unfiltered)
So, ever since I turned about 22 to 23, my skin has gone CRAZY. I am talking acne worse than when I was a teenager. I really don't know what in the world is happening. I get the big nasty cystic pimples that just pop up out of nowhere whenever they feel like it. I take really good care of my skin, and so this really frustrates me because I want to find out why this is happening! I have tried the pill, currently on Spironolactone, but that does not seem to be helping. I also use Aczone over my problem areas... which still doesn't really help me! In the past, I have tried the Minocycline and Doxycycline and didn't really see a benefit. Well, after doing some research on the internet I stumbled upon using Apple Cider Vinegar for acne. Not only can you drink it (it is really disgusting...warning!), but you can also use it as a toner after your face wash. I just picked some up yesterday and drank some yesterday (gross!), and used it as a toner so we shall see! I will keep you updated! Pinterest has many recipes on how to drink this product or use it, so I have been going there to get some ideas!
7. College Football
Now, don't get me wrong.. I really am not that big of a sports fan... BUT, I really like this time of the year when football begins again! I was a cheerleader in high school and absolutely love cheering on Friday night football games! It is a great memory for me, so I think that is why I also love this time of the year. College Football also means Fall is just around the corner, and that is my absolute FAVORITE season.
Holy cow, talk about a Flashback Friday! Can't believe this was almost 8 years ago!!
Billboard in Knoxville.
I hope everyone is having a FABULOUS Friday! I am about to go get CG ready for her first middle school dance.. I CANNOT BELIEVE SHE IS IN MIDDLE SCHOOL! I will write about my August beauty favorites, soon, so keep checking back for that post! I hope everyone has a fabulous Labor Day weekend, and please comment below with things that have been rocking your week, because I would LOVE to hear them! Love you all!
Always Remember to Sparkle,
I'm totally there with you on the VMAs, teen wolf, Dylan O'Brien obsession and Sundance! Fabulous as always!
ReplyDeleteThanks!! Uhh.. obsessed with Dylan O'Brien! He is so freaking cute! Watch The First Time if you haven't seen it yet... it is GREAT!